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Hardworth's work is concise but occasionally cryptic and woefully short. It is accepted as the dictionary of rare and magical beasts.
== Hardsworth on the Noctopus ==
They open the bestiary's thick leather-bound cover of solid wood, and lay bare the pages half-meter tall. They see page upon page of things which would traumatize a child or terrify a person just to look upon. The monstrosities are drawn in dark inks with bright accents of all colors, even silver and gold. They are listed, and cataloged, and in many cases hinted at... in a winding book entirely lacking of index.
The article continues, "Once the Noctopus has targeted a meal, it will pursue it immediately and directly, and with haste. Flight nor depth will not stop it, and it fears not fire nor flame. The beast itself will not die so long as a single tentacle remains on its body."
The final passage of the book which speaks on the Noctopus says, "The beast is wily until it has selected a meal, and it will eat that meal on the spot with absolutely no regard for outside attack or influence. It's incredible power of mind is able to subdue a target before striking, making its business much more effective.
This creature is rare, but so terrible as to warrant this warning: If ever you meet an 8-Legged Squid, it is best to abscond, lest you find yourself face to face with the fearsome Noctopus."

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